Sunday, October 26, 2014

Who I Like and Why

I’ve been trying to get over the last guy I liked so there isn’t somebody that I can say that I truly like at this point in my life.

I haven't really met anybody new either.
The town I'm living in now is not crawling with potential crushes.
I'm definitely a one-guy-at-a-time kind of gal so I hold on to one person for a long time until I get over them.
Since I’m trying to get over the last one, I guess that means I still kind of like him.
So I can talk about why I liked him so much.
When I met him I hadn’t really liked anybody enough to try and pursue something more than just a friendship in maybe seven years.
I haven’t been in a relationship in my adult life, you could say.
Finding someone that meshed well with my personality was refreshing.
He’s easy going and easy to talk to and well, just easy, in a good way.
Not the bad, get out of the gutter guys!
Being with him, I felt like I could be myself and was accepted for who I was.
We both knew we liked each other from the get go so there was no second-guessing how we felt. It was all in the open.
What I really liked about him was he was like a diamond in the rough, you were lucky to find someone like him. Someone who understood me, someone who really listened to what I had to say. When he looked at me I could tell he really cared for me.
I liked that he would dance with me and that he liked going to the movies and liked to cuddle. I liked that he told me exactly what he wanted all the time. I liked that he liked seeing my happy.
I liked that he was shy and quiet, but also hysterical.
I liked that he made me feel beautiful and loved.
I guess you’re wondering why a guy I liked so much isn’t “my guy” right now.
Well, things got messy and things moved too fast for us. Ugly truths came out of the both of us and when I think of it we didn’t fight for each other when things got tough and it ended.
I feel like I’m not the best fit for him and he’s not the best fit for me.
Maybe later in our lives we will be and maybe not.
But liking him and having him stumble into my life was a blessing.
I learned more about myself and the kind of person I want in my life and I also gained a friend.
Life can be bittersweet sometimes, but I can’t settle for a less of a love that my heart truly desires.


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