Friday, October 3, 2014

Weird Things I Do When I'm Alone ...

• I have the tendency to answer the questions I'm asking myself in my head out loud, and I won't even realize I'm doing it until I sort of start having an entire conversation with myself ... that doesn't happen too often though.

• I absolutely love to crochet. It's a guilty, guilty pleasure of mine. I just find it relaxing and stress relieving, but to be honest I've never completed a project I have started. There are maybe five unfinished blankets laying in boxes or waded up in bags in my room. Some people may find my crocheting hobby odd, since I don't come off as the kind of person who'd enjoy it. My brother always asks me, "since when did you become such a grandma?"

• I like to lip sync to songs or commercials on TV. So I'll be sitting on the couch or my bed just moving my mouth to jingles and words to songs, which I guess I could sing along out loud since I'm alone.

• I'll crack myself up when I'm by myself because I'll be deep in thought thinking about something funny or a funny thing someone told me and just start laughing up a storm.

Maybe these things don't come off as too weird and I'm sure there are weirder things I do that I don't realize I'm doing or maybe not think are weird, but at the end of the day our weirdness makes us who we are. Weird quirks are my favorite things about people and I tend to attract some odd peeps that I usually end up calling "my friends."

I like it when people are, as my wise brother would say it,  "Denise's kind of weird."


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