Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Kind of Person that Attracts Me ...

They say you can't help who you are attracted to, but I think that is not true.
When I'm attracted to someone I can almost point out the reasoning behind it.
In a nutshell, I'm attracted to ...
• Confident people
• People who don't give up on things easily
• People with goals
• Sarcastic and slightly a**holish people
• People who love to laugh and crack jokes
• I like tall people and who have some fluff
• Athletic people
• I like people with big ears and have smiles that are contagious
• I love people with even bigger hearts who go out of their way to help others
Now some of these traits can go for both male and females, I mean if you meet my best gal pals they probably have the first top five qualities and last one.
When it comes to guys most of that list fits in, but I am usually taken away by how honest a guy is. I don't like bulls***. I like when guys are upfront about their feelings and intentions and don't lead me on. I find that very attractive. I like guys who have their lives together, are hard working, smart and passionate about life.
When I think about the guys I've dated throughout my life and categorize them into stages of my life like, high school, college and now I would have to say that what I found attractive in high school isn't what I find attractive now. I feel as you grow older all your tastes develop and change, whether it's foods, music, books or people you like ... trust me I used to love rap music and now I can't stand it and I hated broccoli, but now absolutely love it. I think the same can be said about developing tastes in the people you're attracted too. You most certainly don't stay the same so why would your preference in the people you like not change?
Finding someone attractive, I feel, is a collection of the little things that you enjoy from all the people you care about in your life.
Hitting the jackpot would be finding all those quirks you like in one person and hoping they're attracted to you as well.

Oh and just for kicks and giggles these fellas are my top five celebrity crushes! ;P



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