Monday, September 12, 2016

Ten things about me you don't really expect (PROMPT 22)

Here's 10 things you might not expect about me ...
(These are kind of dumb, I didn't know what to write ... I'm pretty simple and easy to figure out ... well at least that's what I assume).

1. I crochet, it's my stress releaver.
2. I can be OCD about certain things ... like my closet, it's basically color-coordinated.
3. Half of the reason I decided to pursue a career as a reporter was to break my social awkwardness ... I'm a huge introvert and I'm really bad at talking with people, but I like listening to what people have to say.
4. I'm super short-sighted. Everything's a complete blur without my contacts or glasses ... unless it's inches away from my face. (Let's just say I'm probably a better drunk driver compared to when I drive without my glasses or contacts).
5. I really like Elvis Presley. Graceland is on my bucket list.
6. I can be really mean. Like, seriously asshole-status.
7. My favorite flavor combinations are movie-theater popcorn, peanut M&M's and super-carbonated Mr. Pibb soda.
8. I'd choose beer or a shot of tequila over a cocktail, anytime ... unless the margaritas are legit.
9. I've never asked a guy out on a date ... I'm not that gutsy or confident, I guess.
10. I still get homesick ... I like when my family is all together.


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