Monday, October 20, 2014

Six Things I Hate About You ...

This prompt has asked me to list five things each that irritate me about the opposite sex and the same sex, which is super hard to do! So I just came up with three for each gender.
Now I don't think all these things are traits everybody in each gender has, but these are the things that I have come up with that I find obnoxious.
I'm probably guilty of most of these too!

Dudes ...
1. Superiority - One thing that I have realized that many men think is they are superior to women. It's been said this is a man's world, right? Well the heck with that! Women can be just as successful in many of the jobs that are considered men's work. I've meet women truck driver's who can hold their own with the rough neck men in the oilfield. The thing that drives me insane is that sometimes when I meet a man in an official position they are sometimes condescending. I've met a lot of "important" men, as a journalist, but have only gained respect for those who treat me as an equal. There have been times when I'm with my editors (who happen to be men) and I'll show up with them at an event and the Alpha Males will shake my editor's hands and not mine ... maybe they just don't like me and that's why I just get a polite smile, but I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't enjoy my company.

2. Conceitedness- Now don't get me wrong I like a confident guy, but there's a huge difference between confidence and cockiness. It's irritating to me when fellas think they are women's gift from god. Stop flexing your muscles at us. Stop telling us how much you can lift. Stop talking about how much your car cost. Just Stop. A confident man, to me, is one who doesn't have to talk about their physical accomplishments or brag about their lifestyle. They just protrude an outward sense of happiness and a sense of pride that they have earned.

3. Girls, are never one of the guys- I can't stand when guys treat girls like one of their "Bros." Yes, it's true that many of us girls love watching sports and drinking beer and eating wings and can sometimes school you in a little game of one-on-one, but we are girls! We don't want to hear your bodily noises come out from your bottoms or your mouths. We don't want to be slapped on our butts because the Cowboy's finally scored a touchdown! We do appreciate that your comfortable with us, but just remember that we're not one of the boys. Respect us, because we are ladies and deserve it.

Gals ...
1.  Mean Girls -What can I say girl's can be really mean. I can be really mean too. I don't know why we sometimes go above and beyond to be mean to people, especially to other women. I  haven't bumped into too many "mean girls" now compared to when I was in my teens, but sadly they exist in all ages. Why can't we respect the sisterhood and not call each other the B word, or the W word, or the S word. Why can't we respect each other enough and not go after each other's significant others and respect that we wouldn't want someone going after our own loves.

2. The Damsel in Distress - Ladies, you are capable of achieving many things without men. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate the things men can do for us, but it drives me crazy that some women out there can make us seem as helpless as a little cotton-tailed bunny rabbit. We have the strength instilled within us to be survivors and triumph over daily dramas. I mean heck, God must have had females be the only ones capable of giving birth for a purpose. (He must of known men couldn't bear that much pain or responsibility). He made us strong! Now when the time comes and you need a man's help ask for it gladly, but if the going gets a little rough and you know you can handle it just toughen up buttercup, you can get through it.

3. Hot or Not- Maybe it's my own insecurities, but I always feel so much pressure from other women to look a certain way to be accepted in society. That pressure is in my life everyday TV, internet, magazines ... everywhere. I'd love not to feel so pressured to dress a particular way, be a certain size or feel like I have to look a certain way. I like being dressed up and I love makeup, but I wish the women in our society didn't put so much emphasis on their outwardly appearances. I'd hope women would work more on their inner-selves and work on making this world a better and more a beautiful world to live in for our future daughters.


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