Wednesday, May 24, 2017

PROMPT 28: The month I was happiest this year and why ...

The first month of this year is probably when I was the most happiest.

It put an end to a pretty crappy year, and it was a fresh start. Things were looking really good in January. I was happy and I hadn't been that happy in a very long time.

I started dating a new guy, that was fun, exciting and I really looked forward to see where that relationship would take me — I felt like I had finally got it right, finally found the one I'd been looking for.

January was just a month that held endless possibilities for what the year could bring. It was a blank slate ... it was a chance to heal and let go of all the baggage I was carrying from 2016.

And that's what I did. I left everything behind and came into the new year with hope, faith and the determination to have a better year in 2017.

January held lots of laughs and joy. It held a time where life was simple, pleasant and warm. It was a great way to start the new year.

Life doesn't always go the way we want ... Life isn't meant to be planned. You can't make life just be good all the time, things get hard, it gets messy and we still have to deal with it no matter what.

I'm just glad the year started off with a good month.


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