Wednesday, August 10, 2016

PROMPT 21: Something I Can't Seem To Get Over.

Well this one is a tough one to write.

But not because there is something lingering in my life that I just can't get over. It's because in the past year or so I've surprisingly been able to let things go in a timely fashion and just keep truckin' on.

I used to hold onto things so tightly ... Like a couple of years ago I made the mistake of not completely letting go of a relationship and I ended up spending months and months in misery not being able to get over him and heal.

But as I've gotten a bit older, I've learned that life keeps going and it's not going to stop just because you feel like you can't deal with it.

Life is too short to put too much energy in not getting over something or someone. You waste so much time and there is so many better things you could be doing with that "getting over it" time.

So I say Live, Be Happy, Surround Yourself with Good Things and Quality People so that you don't have to get over anything.


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