Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Something disgusting I do (Prompt 14)

This is a toughy!

Because evidently I do not think I do anything disgusting =P
Soooo let me dig deep and see what I can come up with.
Hmm ...
- I let Romeo and Rogue (the puppies) lick my face, some people find that disgusting.
- My diet is disgusting, which I'm doing a better job of eating cleaner
- Sometimes more sleep beats out showering, lol
- I hate putting clothes away, so by the end of the week there are piles of clothes on the floor around my room
- If it's chocolate I truly believe in the five-second rule, or even the 10-second rule.
- I never clean my ears out
- I enjoy peeling of my dead skin after I get a sun burn
- I like the name Sarah spelt with an "H," and yes I know Jimmy Fallon, "H's" are "EW!"

That's all I could up with, folks.
Hope I don't come off as too repulsive.


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