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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Something disgusting I do (Prompt 14)

This is a toughy!

Because evidently I do not think I do anything disgusting =P
Soooo let me dig deep and see what I can come up with.
Hmm ...
- I let Romeo and Rogue (the puppies) lick my face, some people find that disgusting.
- My diet is disgusting, which I'm doing a better job of eating cleaner
- Sometimes more sleep beats out showering, lol
- I hate putting clothes away, so by the end of the week there are piles of clothes on the floor around my room
- If it's chocolate I truly believe in the five-second rule, or even the 10-second rule.
- I never clean my ears out
- I enjoy peeling of my dead skin after I get a sun burn
- I like the name Sarah spelt with an "H," and yes I know Jimmy Fallon, "H's" are "EW!"

That's all I could up with, folks.
Hope I don't come off as too repulsive.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A date I would love to go on (Prompt 13 out of 30)

A night under a blanket of stars, a bottle of wine (or beers) and a fire nearby ... 'nough said.

I fancy myself a simple gal. I don't need a gourmet meal or anything extravagant. 

But I am definitely a romantic, as much as I try to deny it, I am a hopeless, hopeless romantic. 

The first line I wrote on top sounds like perfection. Me and a sweet guy grabbing a couple of blankets and heading out into the sticks away from everyone else and just cuddling up looking at the stars, talking away, flirting and laughing deep into the night. Absolute perfection.

Maybe even a little Josh Turner or Randy Rogers Band playing in the background and some two-stepping and kissing under the moon. 

Even hauling along some mallows and chocolate and fixin' up some S'Mores.

That's not too much to ask for, right?

My current relationship, if single discuss how single life is

I am single. I've been single most of my life.
I guess I’m not big on relationships. I've never really been good at being in them. I feel like I am good at being single, it’s easy. Yes, it does get extremely lonely. And I think the older I’m getting the toll of the loneliness is setting in.
I've never really cared about not having a boyfriend when I was younger, especially when I was in high school and then even more when I was in college. In high school I enjoyed being a kid. I did have a couple of puppy love flings, but it was never anything serious. After high school I joined REACH (the Catholic traveling youth ministry I was a part of for a couple of years) and we were obligated to be on a single commitment, which some who were on team with me would argue that I didn't truly commit to the singleness, but that’s a story for another day.
Once I started college I was blessed to have an amazing roommate and make new friends with a bunch of young women who embraced being single and having a blast. College was so much fun and I never felt tied down by a guy or a relationship. I grew up a lot as a young woman and experienced college the best way I think anyone can — being single.
The last time I was sort of taken off the market was last spring/summer. Though technically I wasn't in a relationship because I was too scared to commit to the guy I was dating. (I have some weird trust issues, and well, trouble letting go of my single life). Dating my ex, I realized how much work you have to put into a relationship and how much of your life you share with another person. It is wonderful, don’t get me wrong, I like sharing my life with another person, but at this point in my life I don’t want to waste time spending it with the wrong someone.
Though I do enjoy my single-life, I am hoping that I can soon find someone to possibly be in a relationship with. But I’m picky and impatient at the same time. Everyone that I talk about my singleness with tells me you’re young, be patient, it’ll happen, there’s someone out there for you, don’t settle. And I know all these things, but I’m just ready to have someone that I truly want to be with and they truly want to be with me.
To be completely honest I’m just tired of being alone — doing everything alone and not having anyone to share this life with. I’m not saying that I’m prepared to go out and get married, I’m saying I wouldn't mind having someone who wants something more than ‘hooking up.’ I’m not a settler either, I've been lucky to meet a couple of guys lately that want the same thing I do, but I just don’t feel that connection with them. I don’t want a boyfriend just to have one. Maybe I’m weird, but I’m looking for that “spark,” that “connection” with someone, I've felt it before in past relationships, but they weren't meant to be, I suppose.
I’ll wait until I feel those stupid little butterflies and wait for Mr. Right, if he even exists. Being single does have its perks, but I think I've out-perked them all.
Life’s too short to be living it alone.

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