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Monday, July 17, 2017

What changed this month and what you hope will happen next month (PROMPT 29)

Let's see, the biggest change this month is I've been 29 for almost a month — do I feel any different or more mature, nah.

I've been keeping busy with friends and family, which had been a lot of fun. I've been seeing a counselor, which has been interesting and helpful for my mental health.

I'm pretty sure I messed up a potential relationship, but I'm not going to beat myself completely over it. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't of worked out in the end anyway. We both were on two different pages on what we wanted. So, yeah another one bites the dust.

I decided to apply for graduate school at the University of the Southwest. I am hoping to pursue my masters degree in Educational Science with a focus in Mental Health Counseling. Maybe my crazy can help someone one day.

I gained eight pounds ... thanks a lot June, with all the birthday parties.

Next month, I hope I will be starting online classes at USW. And hopefully mental health counseling is my calling.

I hope I am happier, and dealing better with my own mental health issues next month.

I hope for more fun times with my family and friends.

And to lose the eight pounds I gained.

Yup, those are my life goals for the next several weeks.

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