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Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Love Letter to Myself

Beautiful One,

I know that you are feeling uncertain about many things right now, but know that you have always been a firm believer that things always happen for a reason due to the deep faith you have in God. You have always felt that He has completely stayed by your side, even when life becomes a complete struggle. You have always known you have the strength to handle anything life throws your way because you know God wouldn't put you through something He knew you couldn't handle. You have also always allowed yourself to learn a lesson from those hardships.

Yes, you have much hurt to deal with and heal from, but you will get there sweetie. You will once again feel like the sun came out just for you in the morning. You will at some point smile because you actually want to and not have to force it. The pain will slowly start to diminish ... you know that it already is starting to, but you have to make the effort to let go of the anger, the resentment and not hold a grudge.

Those who hurt you still deserve to be loved and deserve kindness. Don't let the ugliness you feel overpower you. Pray for a heart of forgiveness, of tenderness and compassion. Because no good will come from wishing ill onto others. As hard as it may be, wish happiness and goodness to those you find hard to love. That will only help you prosper and better you.

I know you feel like your heart can't bear any more disappointment, another heartbreak, but hang in there darling. One day your heart will be loved, adored and protected, as it should be, by someone who will see the preciousness of having the honor of calling it theirs.

You have gone through some unsettling relationships and that's okay. You saw something great with those people, you at one point saw potential in something and you hoped it would work. The beauty about it is that you continue to keep your heart open to love, even after love has failed you.

You continue to have faith that love exists for you. You know in your soul that you can't give up on love, because when you do find it everything you've been through will have never mattered. All the broken pieces of your heart will be healed and held together by a love that has been promised to you. A love that will fulfill you completely.

So continue to be patient, you gorgeous girl. Continue to open your heart to new experiences and new people. But first and foremost continue working on you, on loving you, on bettering you. Remember that there is nothing wrong with you, even if people make you feel like you are the problem or the reason things do not work out. It's not true ... as long as you know deep in your soul that you are always genuine, and you love with all your heart and being and that you are truly giving 100 percent in your relationships and in life ... you are doing great.

Keep hanging in there, because you are loved and the best is yet to come.

"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still."
— Exodus 14:14



Tuesday, March 21, 2017

PROMPT 26: My religious beliefs ...

I believe in God, the father almighty, maker of heaven and earth who sent his one and only beloved son, Jesus, to die for the forgiveness of not only my sins, but the entire human race.

Those are my beliefs and the faith I have been born into and raised with. I'm Catholic and I have always loved being Catholic. I love the traditionalism and I love what the Catholic faith teaches.

I was taught about my faith and my religious beliefs from my family — my mom, dad, grandpa and especially my grandma. She taught me all of my prayers and the words of so many Hymns. I remember walking to the park with her and singing church song after church song. And when I'd stay the night, I'd lay in bed with her and pray with her.

Because of my family's involvement in the Catholic church I grew up going to Sunday school, and youth group. I went to retreats and chose to continue my faith as a Catholic when I was 16 years old. My religious beliefs have helped me get through some of the hardest times in my life. It has helped me understand death and loss, get through depression and strengthen me as a person.

For two years, I lived my life for my religion. I ministered to youth about Catholicism, the love of God and the sacrifice of Christ. My life for those two years was engulfed by my religion and it was an amazing experience.

But it was also so challenging after it was done to go back into the "real world." Into a world that isn't so accepting of religion and God. It was also tough once I got my feet settled into living life out of the ministry-way to not feel guilty and ashamed when others didn't agree with some of my life choices. But my relationship with God has continued to grow and my love of Catholicism hasn't changed.

My experience with religion so far, especially Catholicism, has definitely formed the person that I am today. My religious beliefs have taught me to be as humble as I possibly can be, to share my love of my faith in a loving manner — actions speak louder than words — to give and sacrifice to my fellow man.

It has shown me how countless normal, everyday people have done incredible things in the name of God. Who have made powerful impacts in this world, in small and simple ways.

It has also taught me to not belittle anyone else's beliefs, whether it may be a Baptist, Methodist, Buddhist, Atheist ... I know that not everyone will agree and say as a Christian it's my job to bring people closer to Christ. But I feel as a Christian and lover of Christ that I'm called to love the way Christ did, tenderly and compassionately. Christ ministered and loved everyone, he did not shun anyone.  I love hearing and learning how other religions celebrated God and Jesus.

I believe if I try to mimic Christ's life and way of being I will shine as a child of God. God has yet to fail me. Yes, he has challenged me in so many ways, ways I thought would end me, but in the end have truly strengthened me.

My faith, my religion and God are what keep me going each and every day.

We all believe in one thing or another and I think that's quite alright.

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