Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I've Got Death on my Mind ...

My mom and I were chatting last night and the topic of discussion was death, well more the topic of funerals.
 My mom is a bit of a weirdo and she’s always said that she hopes she doesn't live to be old, which old to her is 50, evidently (Not funny to me and my brother, BTW).
She told me last night that she was going to write a “death book.” When I asked her what she meant she said she was going to write down the specifics of how she wanted her funeral to be conducted.
Her wishes, as of now, consist of leaving her casket closed, she does not want flowers (her motto has always been, “give me flowers when I’m alive, what good are they to me when I’m dead!), she wants her co-workers at Gandy Corp. to be her pallbearers and she wants us to play her favorite Tejano songs. Pretty morbid, right?
She got me thinking about what I would want my funeral to be like. I mean it is kind of your last “hoorah” before you physically disappear from this earth. I've always told my mom that I wanted her to play the song, “Smile” by Charlie Chaplin, but that’s about it.
So last night I added to my final wishes, and told my mom if I happen to die young that I’d like my pallbearers to be my Albuquerque guy friends. In which she told me she already figured that and told me the six she had already picked out ... she’s crazy. That’s the only other detail I've added, because quite frankly I hope I have a lot of life to live. But I know that tomorrow is never ever a guarantee.
I know that funerals are most definitely not a fun occasion, but I’d hope that my life would be celebrated at my funeral. That people would remember the great times, along with the bad and hopefully I would leave them with a smile anytime I’d happen to run across their minds.
Just felt like jotting down the convo I had with my mom and remind you to love with all your heart everyday, cherish those in your life and live like there is no tomorrow.
Life’s too short to live any other way.


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