Monday, November 10, 2014

Something I'm currently worrying about ...

Is the thing I'm always worrying about.
I'll put it how my friend Rin says,"you're going to be forever alone."

I know it sounds like a ridiculous thing to worry about, but not to have someone to share this life with in this huge world is worrisome to me.
That area in my life has never been easy for me. I'm not the kind of girl who gets the fellas. And for most of my life I've been okay with that, but now I'm thinking, "Denise, you're not getting any younger."
Even when I've been lucky to find someone I've liked enough to pursue something serious, something has always gone wrong and it's always been so short lived. 
Everybody says be patient, don't settle, which I won't. I'm just so horrible at being patient.
Another worry on my mind is the adventure I will soon be embarking in good ole' Texas. 
I'm super excited, but change is sometimes hard for me. What if I don't adjust well at my new job? What if I don't make friends? What if I'm terribly lonely all the time? What if I can't pay my rent? 
Silly things I worry about.
I guess I'm blessed because I don't have hard struggles in my life or overwhelming worries. 
At the end of each day I thank God for the life he's given me, though I sometimes take each breath for granted. 
I know that I'm allowed to worry and feel down sometimes, but I don't ever forget how lucky I am to be living the life I'm living.


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