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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Like Getting Hit by a Bull ...

Within a split-second my brain shut down all thoughts running through my head and I heard a little voice inside start to say “We’re going to hit, and hard. It’s going to hurt.”

My arms stiffened up and my hands tightened around the steering wheel as the rest of my body pushed itself back against the driver’s seat and my left foot slammed down on the brake pedal. I knew I wasn’t going to stop in time when they hit their brakes out of nowhere and I was driving too close behind. I rear-ended my Jeep Renegade into a blue Ford F-150 at about 35-40 mph.

The back of that pickup came in so fast and when I hit I blacked out from taking a punch to the face from the airbag that deployed. When I came to, two guys had opened the Jeep’s passenger door and they were asking me if I was okay. I couldn’t respond because at that moment I felt the excruciating pain running through my chest, and my lungs were burning from trying to catch air to fill them back up. I looked out the crushed windshield and saw nothing but road in front of me, which left me bewildered on what happened to the truck I just slammed into with some incredible force. Another guy came up to my Jeep and said, “They just took off! I’m going after them!” He ran off got in his car and drove off heading north on the Lovington Highway towards the Joe Harvey Boulevard intersection.

I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks and I was finally able to tell the guys I was “okay, but in a lot of pain.” A young cop showed up on my driver’s side door and opened it and started asking me tons of questions. “Are you okay ma’am? Do I need to call the paramedics? Did you see who you hit? Did the driver of the other vehicle get off and check if you were okay?” My head was spinning trying to answer all of his questions. I told him I was hurting and no, the other driver didn’t check on me and left the scene. I asked if I could get out of my Jeep to get some air and make sure I could walk. The officer helped me out of the Jeep and I walked to the front where the impact happened and my heart sank. The Jeep was completely crushed in. It made me hurt more seeing how hard I had hit that Ford pickup.

The guys who were kind enough to help me asked if there was anyone they could call for me but I told them I could make the call. I knew my mom would freak if she got a call from someone other than me telling her I was in an accident. I pulled it together enough to make the call to her and told her what happened and that I needed her to come get me, I broke down and told her, “I’ve totaled the Jeep.” She asked if I was okay and I said yes. She said “I’m on my way.” I hung up the phone and called Luis and just sat there in my crushed up Renegade and cried over the phone to him. He reminded me that me being okay is what mattered the most.

I overheard the guys who helped me telling the officer they weren’t able to get the other driver’s plate number because it was crushed in along with its tailgate. I prayed that they were okay and not injured. My mom and paramedics showed up. The paramedics checked me out — I already had bruises across my chest and on my the lower part of my right ribs. I also had a bump and a couple of cuts on my head. The paramedics told me to go to the hospital. I asked if I could go to Nor-Lea in Lovington instead of Lea Regional and they said that was fine, but I’m sure they thought I was trying to get out of going. They said, “we highly recommend you to go get checked out at the hospital.” I told them, “I will. Trust me, that lady out there is not going to let me go home until I go to the hospital.”

I walk into the ER and I’m sure I looked like a mad woman, limping in with an obvious banged up head and uncontrollable tears falling down my face. I go up to the front desk and tell the lady sitting there, “I’ve been in a car accident and I need to make sure I’m okay.” The look on her face was priceless and it seemed liked she was waiting for me to tell her I was kidding. I’m sure the ER’s are used to getting their vehicle accident patients via ambulance and not having them check themselves in. After a few seconds she said “I’m so sorry!” And started typing in my information quickly.

I was called in for a CT scan for my head and chest and X-rays on my spine and pelvic bone. Thank God, everything came out fine and I just had to deal with some major bruises and body pain. When I got home I examined the damage left on my body and it wasn't pretty. I was also annoyed that the scars on my forehead did not form a lightening bolt shape so I could look like Harry Potter.

I climbed into bed gingerly, and let my beat up body relax. I laid there and thanked God for allowing me to feel like I had just gotten hit by a bull, instead of ending up worst after that accident. It blows my mind how quick something like that can happen and how we never know when it might all end for us. I got lucky. I could of hit my head even harder and stayed unconscious. I could have not walked away from that accident with just bumps and bruises. I’m so thankful that I’m okay and that no one was seriously injured.

I’ve always told myself that there has to be at least one second before you die to get good with God, but the reality is sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes we are taken unexpectedly and we don’t have the chance to even treasure our last breath. Life is not a guarantee and it can all end when you least expect it. I know that after this experience I’m appreciating having another day and loving my loved ones a little harder and cherishing them more. And I will pray every night for all my family and friends to never have to be involved in an accident.

Be safe out there ya’ll! Life is to precious to be living it carelessly.

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