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Monday, September 21, 2015

Disrespecting parents (Prompt 18)

My views on disrespecting parents ...

Well I think that parents should be shown respect.

They are the people who brought us into the world, and if we're lucky, raised us and cared for us as we grew up. They are the people who changed our diapers, cleaned up after our messes, made our colds go away with crackers and Sprite.

So disrespecting them is out of the question in my opinion. I know there are many people out there that do not have the best relationships with their parents, but to purposely disrespect them is uncalled for.

I feel like I'm lucky because I was blessed with extraordinary parents. And I make damn sure I respect them. I also make it a priority to respect my friends/boyfriends parents as best as I can. I expect the exact same thing from my friends and the guys that I date to respect my parents and their home.

Maybe it's a Hispanic thing, but I was raised to respect my elders, and basically everyone. I was taught that you say hello, give hugs or shake hands without someone approaching me first. And I agree.

Sure, there are times I don't agree with my parents opinions and beliefs, but I feel that we've built a relationship with each other that we respect our views and ways of being.

All in all our parents might not get us, or might be difficult, but they're the reason we even exist. The reason we get the chance to live. The reason we're inhaling and exhaling this exact breath. The reason we one day may have the chance to also create life on this earth, and hopefully have littles that will respect us.

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