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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

(Prompt 15) The best thing to happen to you this week

The best thing that happened to me this past week happened on Friday.

It was a typical Friday and I made plans to go home for the weekend. I got a call from my mom in the early afternoon asking me to drive to Hobbs, N.M. instead of Lovington because one of our family friends was having a surprise birthday party. Of course I said I would go and I was looking forward to spending time with some of my favorite people and as a bonus my Aunt Susie was also going to visit.

So when I got off work I headed out to Hobbs and showed up to this surprise party. Everyone was in a great mood and that’s just what I needed — people who were happy and people who wanted to spend time with me.

My Aunt showed up hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I brought Dos Equis and Michelob and frozen cocktails!" I just laughed at her and told her what the heck she was waiting for and to bring them on in.

Our friend showed up and he was definitely surprised. Even though it wasn't many of us we really enjoyed each others company and once the music started blasting out of my uncle’s colored disco ball speaker the party was on.

I’m close with my family, I always have been and I always will be. I enjoy being with them as much as I can. And Friday night was a reminder for me of how much they mean to me. That was the best thing that happened to me this past week, because lately I've been down in the dumps, feeling sorry for myself. And being with them this past Friday was refreshing. I hadn't laughed that hard or had that much fun in such a long time. I hadn't let myself enjoy just being alive and enjoying the little things in life, for what seems like ages.

It’s silly moments with my family that really count and make life worthwhile. Those people God blessed me with truly see who I am and love me despite my moodiness and the crappy attitude I can have. Those people remind me that I am loved and I am worth something in this world.

I needed a night like that with people like them to rejuvenate my soul and remind me that my life is great. That I will be okay and survive in this world as long as I surround myself with hearts like the ones my family has.

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